Day 6 – UNCG students arrive in Vienna

Marietta, our tour guide, telling our students about the interior of St. Stephan's Cathedral

Today, at 11:10am, twenty excited UNCG students (plus a faculty member and his wife) arrived in the Vienna Airport for the start of eight fun and musical days in Vienna. Of course, after three flights and little sleep, they looked a bit run down and ragged, but they more than made up for this with their enthusiasm level.

Skaters follow lots of little paths set in the park in front of the building

My goals on these first days, when people are exhausted is to keep everyone moving and eating. We had lunch at Wienerwald, a nice local chain of restaurants, then had our walking tour. After returning to the hotel for a little while, we had a great dinner at an Italian restaurant called, appropriately, “La Scala”.

In past years, I have taken the students to Salzburg first, so we did not arrive in Vienna until Monday of the first full week in March. Starting our trip in Vienna this year allowed us to take advantage of the last days of something very special and fun: Ice Staking in front of Vienna’s City Hall. This was a great way to start our trip, and to give us something fun to do at the end of the very long day.

Vienna's Rathaus (City Hall) lit up for Ice Skating

Vienna's Rathaus (City Hall) lit up for Ice Skating


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